Bar code maker

The bar code maker will convert the contents of cells in Excel worksheets into Code 128 barcodes. This is a standard code that can contain both text and numbers, and can be read by many barcode readers. The program will automatically try to make the barcode as compact as possible.


The bar code maker will work with cells in any workbook provided that its own workbook is open at the same time. The bar codes are saved with the workbooks and do not require the barcode program to be installed for viewing.


To install, download the setup file, run it and follow the prompts. You will need to logon as an administrator or give an administrator password when prompted. You will need Excel 2000 or later and will need to have macros enabled in the security settings.

You may encounter a warning that the setup.exe file has no digital signature. This is normal, and provided you obtained the file from it will be safe.


Click to Download (setup.exe 3.6Mb)

Lightwave molecule import

Dspovtols is a utility that converts from the POV-Ray files of protein, nucleic acid and small molecule structures generated by Accelrys Discovery Studio Visualizer into LScripts that automatically regenerate the model within Newtek LightWave. It supports protein and nucleic acid ribbons, as well as ball and stick molecular models. The model will be reproduced in LightWave more-or-less how it appears in DS Visualizer.

Latest version (v1.2) for 64 and 32 bit Windows released Nov 2017.
To install, unzip the archive. To uninstall, just delete the folder. It should work with Lightwave versions 7.5c up to 2015, and DS Visualizer 1.5 up to 16.1.

Download dspovtols v1.2 for 64 bit Windows
Download dspovtols v1.2 for 32 bit Windows

Molecular orbital plotter

This Windows program will take the output from a PM3 semiempirical MOPAC 6 calculation and generate a POV-Ray file containing a plot of a molecular orbital. Admittedly it is somewhat basic (only supports CHNO elements), but with some manual additions to the povray file, it can still be used to produce some reasonable looking pictures. There is the option of generating an LScript file to enable import of the model into LightWave 3D.

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